Shoulders and Migraine
Attendees discover that there’s much more to Trigger Point Therapy than simply following an illustration to inactivate a specific TrP.
Our CE workshops are known around the world for their high standard of instruction and comprehensive approach.
Our instructors have thoroughly studied and practiced (over many years) the seminal work of Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons.
It’s not another thing we do… it’s the only thing we do.
This 6 hour, CE workshop is ideal for massage therapists, bodyworkers, physiotherapists, and other interested fitness and health professionals who would like ‘in-depth’ instruction on locating and treating myofascial trigger points.
The workshop will cover the above issues and attendees will be locating and treating TrPs in the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis (rotator cuff muscles). As well, the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major/minor, serratus anterior, rhomboids, teres major, trapezius, levator scapulae, SCM, scalenes, and other neck and head muscles related to this workshop.
We’ll also discuss TrPs in TMJ related muscles and their role in TMJD
- detailed palpation techniques of muscles for trigger points, treatment techniques, post-treatment protocol, latent / active TrPs, contraindications.
- explain how TrPs play a major role in shoulder pain/ROM issues and migraine.
- discuss the muscles that play a causal role in these issues – and how to deactivate their trigger points.
- demonstrate how exercise affects trigger points in these muscles.
- protocol for rehabilitating the TrP affected muscle.
- how TrPs always affect muscle strength and performance and why muscle performance always improves when trigger points are removed.
- the effects of heat/ice on TrPs.
- how stress, medications, over-use, trauma and skeletal abnormalities affect TrPs.
Course duration: 6 hours. Certificate will be issued
CCBC (Chiropractic) – 6 Hours
Prerequisite: massage therapist or certified bodyworker or a health/wellness professional who treats chronic pain on a regular basis.
This prerequisite may be waived by William Huhn
Note: Workshop prerequisites may at times be amended by a Host to best suit the needs of the attendees.
Upcoming Events
Vancouver, BC
Presenter: William Huhn
Registration Fee: $190.00
Registration Form
Sign up or inquire about this workshop using the form below.