Athletes, Musicians, and Dancers
Certainly you’d like to resolve chronic pain and/or perhaps improve your athletic performance.
Many folks do not know that TrPs can greatly reduce involved muscle strength.
It’s important to undestand that although “rolling” your trigger points can offer symptomatic relief, it is not Trigger Point therapy.
Athletes (and yes, this includes those who apply daily sustained stress to their muscles, such as dancers and musicians) who subscribe to our Trigger Point Therapy method, consistently report having improved muscular performance. This typically manifests in less pain, greater speed, agility, and importantly, greater endurance.
What this means is that not only can comprehensive trigger point therapy effectively treat athlete’s pain issues, it also has the effect of improving athletic performance even if there is no pain symptom involved.
We see this often – standard exercise and stretch therapy models were ineffective or made symptoms worse, because trigger points were involved.
When trigger points are involved the rules change!
Please take a minute to read what this Russian National Champion has to say about our therapy.
My name is Nataliya,
I used to be a professional freestyle skier, participated in World Cups from 2008 till 2011 and became Russian National Champion in 2010-2011 and here is my healing story.
It begins about 3 years ago, when after an accident during training I had to undergo spinal surgery. Luckily it happened in Austria so I was really thankful for European accuracy and high technologies. After about a month I came back to my motherland, and started rehabilitation within one of the best sports clinics in Russia. Nowadays technologies of micro surgeries are very developed so they allow to operate with as less interference (tissue trauma) as possible, but Russian methods for similar conditions of injury would involve the installation of supportive titanium construction in the spine; so doctors and specialists were outraged by the way my surgery was done and considered it incorrect.
They told me that if I don’t bring back my core strength and build really strong muscles right away, then it will lead to serious consequences like severe rachiocampsis and something else really scary.
So I started working hard, fighting through the pain for the next half a year under professional supervision I was doing a large complex of physiotherapy including work on range of motion and flexibility, various exercises to help develop and strengthen my back muscles. Pain was always there… I knew that my body needs special attention and care, and I knew as well that working out never made my back feel any better. Pain is a signal that our intelligent body sends to let us know that something isn’t right, and that was my sign that it’s time to chill. Last couple years I spent traveling around the world, all that time I was pretty active and was trying to still do light exercises, only the ones that felt good and necessary for muscles to stay in tonus but at the same time I had to find a way to set myself completely free from pain. I knew also that I needed to meet a person who will certainly help me….
I recently moved to Canada and my friend recommended me to William Huhn and see if he could help me. I find it really valuable that he doesn’t just treat muscles and resulting pain, but as well, pays a lot of attention on the educational part, which is probably as important as the physical therapy; it gets you to understand a physiological reason of a problem and what causes the pain and how important it is to listen to your body. William teaches and explains how our body works and pays attention not only at the area of injury but at the whole body…
After the first session I understood that all this time instead of giving my back a necessary rest – a chance to release pain and relax, I did completely opposite. ‘Muscle is an organ and if it’s “injured” you can’t strengthen it by exercising; it will only get worse’ first you have to treat it (and the trigger points) and give it time to heal then gradually and gently start working on the strength and tonus. Wm. Huhn.
My entire back, buttocks, abdomen and hips were full of trigger points, some of them were already old – those ones which felt like were giving me this endless chronic pain, they felt hard like a rock, sounded weird and crunchy too. So after few weeks of treatments and relaxation little by little knots started to release, at this moment I only have a few left, the oldest ‘crunchy ones’ now seem to be way smaller, my flexibility improved and pain is much less intense.
I really want to thank William for what he did for me so far and for sharing that amazing knowledge he gained and learned from long years of studying and treating people. I really appreciate that he is sharing this wisdom with those who need help, and I truly think that he opens peoples eyes and minds to more natural and gentle ways of curing themselves and becoming free from pain.
Nataliya Stepanova

Warning Regarding Exercise
“Disturbances of motor functions caused by trigger points include spasm of other muscles, weakness of the involved muscle function, loss of coordination by the involved muscle, and decreased work tolerance of the involved muscle. The weakness and loss of work tolerance are often interpreted as the indication for increased exercise, but if this is attempted without inactivating the responsible trigger points, the exercise is likely to encourage and further ingrain substitution by other muscles
with further weakening and de-conditioning of the involved muscle.”
Travell & Simons