Browse Workshops

“Progress from Trigger Point dabbling to Trigger Point proficiency.”


Over the years we’ve presented Trigger Point Therapy workshops in France, Poland, UK, Switzerland, Hong Kong and all across Canada. Our CE workshops are known for their high standard of instruction and comprehensive approach.

Attendees discover that there’s much more to Trigger Point Therapy than simply following a book illustration to inactivate a specific TrP.

Our instructors have thoroughly studied and practiced (over many years) the seminal work of Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons.

Trigger Point Therapy is not another thing we do… it’s the only thing we do.


William has been presenting manual compression Trigger Point CE workshops all over the world since 2007.


You’ll find the lecture component details the crucial-to-know Trigger Point Therapy protocol for providing effective treatment to your client/patient, and all William Huhn Method CE workshops include plenty of hands-on practice.


We are now offering a certification course (Trigger Point Basics) for health professionals.


We love to share what we know about comprehensive* TPT, with everyone! If you’d like to have us visit your city, please email us. We present workshops just about anywhere.


Please note:

  • The majority of workshops listed on this page are not Trigger Point therapy ‘certification’ workshops; the exception is listed just below. You will however, receive a handsome Certificate of Completion and discover some useful TPT knowledge and applied techniques.
  • Trigger Point Basics IS a certification course, but only open to health professionals. A Certificate of Achievement is issued upon successfully completing the course.
  • All WHM workshops demonstrate and employ manual compression techniques only. I.e. we do not employ injection nor dry needling methods.

If you’d like more information on various WHM Trigger Point certifications, click here to see what you’ll need to know.


* comprehensive TPT involves extensive study and following the seminal work of Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons.

In some individuals, high levels of anxiety are expressed in the form of muscle tension. Many muscles are held in sustained contraction that overloads them and perpetuates myofascial trigger points.

  • Travell and Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual; 1999; pg. 221