What is Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy/Bodywork?
Myo: prefix denoting muscle.
By definition, trigger points are hyper-irritable nodules found in taut bands of muscle. They often cause dysfunction in the involved muscle(s). When these trigger points are active, they will produce symptoms. These symptoms are typically manifested as pain, but other symptoms such as bladder control issues, bowel issues (including IBS), arrhythmia, and vertigo, to name a few, can be caused by active myofascial trigger points.
Simply speaking, comprehensive Trigger Point Therapy involves 3 things –
- identifying what may have caused the symptoms and importantly, what may be perpetuating symptoms (e.g. stress, over-use, trauma)
- removing the symptom-causing TrP nodules (through bodywork)
- creating an environment conducive to the involved muscles’ healing, (i.e. following Trigger Point protocol) which results in a return to normalized muscle function.
Note – creating this environment is paramount, if successful, remedial results are to be achieved.
About William Huhn Method™
Since 2007, William has developed and presents various Trigger Point Therapy C.E. workshops that demonstrate his method of Trigger Point Therapy.Trigger Point Symtoms & Causes
Many symptoms that seem to baffle medical professionals have a myofascial (muscular) source. Here is a list of just some of the symptoms.Concerning Musicians, Athletes & Dancers
Trigger Point Therapy method can help improve muscular performance. This typically manifests in greater speed, agility, and endurance.A Story of Inspiration
My husband suffered from low back pain for years & has spent a small fortune on massages, chiropractors, acupuncture, etc. and they all helped in the short term, but the pain eventually came back. One day, he picked up a brochure about Trigger Point Bodywork & decided to give... Read more
Nanaimo, B.C.