Questions & Answers

Do you do online consultations?

Yes we do

  • This can be beneficial for those who cannot find a comprehensive Trigger Point therapist and would like some guidance to perhaps better understand their case,
  • Or for those who are using self-treatment, but are not getting the desired results.
  • Or if you’d simply like in-depth information about trigger points and the recommended healing protocol.

You can arrange a date and time and payment method by clicking here

What is a trigger point?

Clinical Definition of a Myofascial Trigger Point: A hyper-irritable spot in skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band. This spot is painful upon compression and can give rise to characteristic referred pain, referred tenderness, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena.


Travell & Simons; Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual; 1999, pg.5


They are defined by Drs. Travell & Simons, is a collection of muscle cells that are in a continuous state of full contraction. They are commonly referred to as a “muscle knot”.

What type of symptoms do trigger points produce?

They may be responsible for a large variety of physical symptoms that include, but are not limited to pain.


Simply speaking, there are two types of trigger points


Latent trigger points can cause tension, fatigue and weakness to the involved muscle(s); however, they do not produce pain or other symptoms.


Active trigger points will also cause fatigue and weakness to the involved muscle(s) AND will always produce symptoms. Symptoms such as dizziness, numbness, vertigo, sinus issues, toothache, chronic dry cough, tinnitus, excess lacrimation, cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness, sciatic pain, migraine, TMJD, heartburn, knee issues, back and shoulder pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hip pain, bladder control issues, painful intercourse, painful menstruation, and carpal tunnel syndrome are very often caused by trigger points.

Is this a proven therapy?

Every day I receive many questions from my clients.

My job is to answer them as honestly and accurately as possible, sighting facts from trusted sources… and advising my client when I include my personal opinions/beliefs in an answer.


One question that stands out from the usual –
“Is this a proven therapy?”


My personal belief/opinion is that it IS a proven therapy.


I’ve studied the Travell & Simons Trigger Point Therapy Manuals (for more than 10 years) and have applied their seminal work into my practice; the results are virtually identical to what Travell and Simons found in their studies.


So what does this mean?

  • It means that referral patterns are predictable.
  • MTrPs and the taut bands they cause can be palpated (not all, but many of them).
  • Removing the MTrPs allows the involved muscle to return to a normal (relaxed) state and will give the client relief from their symptoms (not always, but most of the time).
  • Perpetuating factors ARE relevant and certainly interfere with the effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Identifying and removing/mitigating perpetuating factors will very often improve the success of treatment.

I believe the real ‘problem’ with Trigger Point Therapy (and whether it’s proven or not) lies with the vast majority of people (you know who you are) who don’t actually study the books nor practice it to any significant degree.

Simply looking at a trigger point illustration in a book and then ‘poking’ a couple TrPs, is NOT Trigger Point Therapy!
And sadly, many who dabble with this therapy (after flipping through a TPT book) are the ones who often imply that it’s ineffective and question whether it’s a ‘proven’ therapy.


Real (i.e. comprehensive) Trigger Point Therapy takes a considerable amount of study, clinical practice and dedication to be proficient with it. And just like all other therapies, there is NO shortcut.


Those who have dedicated their time to it will tell you it certainly IS a proven (and highly effective) therapy.

How big are trigger points?

They can be tiny like a poppy seed or as big as a pea… sometimes even larger.

They can be active or latent.


Active Myofascial Trigger Point: A myofascial trigger point that causes a clinical pain complaint. It is always tender, prevents full lengthening of the muscle, weakens the muscle, refers a patient-recognized pain on direct compression, mediates a local twitch response of muscle fibers when adequately stimulated, and, when compressed within the patient’s pain tolerance, produces referred motor phenomena and often autonomic phenomena, generally in its pain reference zone, and causes tenderness in the pain reference zone. (To be distinguished

from a latent myofascial trigger point.)

T&S Manual Volume 1, pg. 1


Latent Myofascial Trigger Point: A myofascial trigger point that is clinically quiescent with respect to spontaneous pain; it is painful only when palpated. A latent trigger point may have all the other clinical characteristics of an active trigger point and always has a taut band that increases muscle tension and restricts range of motion.

T&S Manual Volume 1, pg. 4

Do they hurt?

The actual trigger points (nodules) do not hurt unless you compress them. They do however, when active, cause pain/symptoms that may be difficult for someone who is not well trained in this therapy to figure out.

How do they form?

There is a physiological process involving motor endplates and acetylcholine that causes the formation. And those who are prone to them forming may develop them as a result of sedentary lifestyle, injury/trauma (e.g. whiplash, concussion, bone fracture, surgery), repetitive strain, or diet deficiencies. As well, over-exercising, skeletal abnormalities and day-to-day emotional stress will provide an environment suitable for trigger points to form!

For more precise details click this link.

Can I stretch them out?

They can also be very stubborn and difficult to remove. They definitely cannot be stretched out in the traditional way we think of stretching. If this is attempted whilst the TrPs are still present in the involved muscle(s), it will typically make symptoms worse or at the very least, perpetuate the symptoms.

Should I ice my trigger points?

No, virtually never. Only if there is swelling or inflammation will we perhaps consider applying ice.


Do not ice trigger points (or the muscles that have trigger points) unless we specifically tell you to do so!


If your therapist is advising ice for your trigger points, (when there is no indication present) then they know very little, if anything, about Trigger Point therapy.


Only if there is swelling or inflammation, and heat exacerbates the symptoms, will we consider applying ice.


Trigger points are most effectively treated when the involved muscle is kept warm to encourage vascular dilation to the trigger point areas. Those suffering from the symptoms of active TrPs, say that heat (especially moist heat) makes the symptoms more bearable. Icing these muscles will only serve to make things worse by causing the muscle tissue to contract and consequently the trigger points re-forming.


Keep in mind that any type of chilling to the skin (e.g. cool air, or swimming) may possibly penetrate into underlying muscle tissue; this chilling of the involved muscles will likely allow trigger points to re-establish in the muscles we are treating.

Should I exercise when I have trigger points?

Short answer – NO. (although mild activity is okay). I advise my clients that the involved muscle should be considered an injured/dysfunctional organ. Since TrPs prohibit development of the involved muscle (i.e. building muscle mass) – exercising the involved muscle(s) will very likely make the problem worse as other muscles that do a similar function, will start to compensate for the involved muscle. This extra burden to these compensating muscles could eventually cause them to develop trigger points, thereby compounding the problem.

Everyone else says I should be exercising; why not you?

Trigger Point Therapy has been extensively researched, (over 5 decades by Drs. Travell and Simons) and I enthusiastically subscribe to their protocol.


Here’s what Travell and Simons (authors of ‘Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. The Trigger Point Manual’) say about exercise –


“Disturbances of motor functions caused by trigger points include spasm of other muscles, weakness of the involved muscle function, loss of coordination by the involved muscle, and decreased work tolerance of the involved muscle. The weakness and loss of work tolerance are often interpreted as the indication for increased exercise, but if this is attempted without inactivating the responsible trigger points, the exercise is likely to encourage and further ingrain substitution by other muscles with further weakening and de-conditioning of the involved muscle.”


Travell & Simons; Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual


Travell and Simons’ seminal work was compiled after decades of study and research.

My therapist says my shoulder muscles are weak (on my symptomatic side) and should be exercised to strengthen them. Wouldn't you agree with this advice?

Yes and no. Did your therapist indicate to you WHY your muscles are weak? (see question/answer directly above).


Did they check the involved shoulder muscles for TrPs (especially the SITS)?


If trigger points are involved, (and they almost always are) it likely would explain this mysterious and sudden weakness.

To answer your question – if there are NO TrPs involved, then exercise may be indicated.


However, if TrPs ARE involved, then exercising the involved muscles is contraindicated until the involved muscle(s) is TrP-free!


You must always check for trigger points, first.

When then, can I exercise?

Once TrPs are removed by a knowledgeable therapist, (who will advise you of the proper recovery protocol) the involved muscle will return to a state of normalcy. Once the involved muscle has normalized, you may start back to exercising – gently at first!


*** Keep in mind that the involved muscles should remain mildly active during the course of treatment.

What if I can't stop training or practicing during treatments?

We understand that sometime it’s simply not feasible to stop training, or to stop working. If this is the case, then we will attempt to provide symptomatic relief. This means that the trigger points are being treated, the symptoms have diminished, but the muscle has not healed (returned to normal function). It’s sort of like when you tape an injured joint; the joint is still compromised but the symptoms are more bearable. However, it’s strongly recommended that you consider having the trigger points properly dealt with (protocol that allows the involved muscles to heal) at some future time.

Why not just use my Trigger Point Roller?

The roller has its benefits; so does a ball, or a therapy cane. Although keep in mind that if you continue to exercise the involved muscles, these tools will at best only provide symptomatic relief. Simply using a ball or roller is NOT (and should not be referred to as) Trigger Point Therapy. Muscle is an organ, and when trigger points are involved, needs an environment that’s conducive to healing… and exercising the involved muscle does NOT create a healing environment!





Can Trigger Point Therapy help with migraine or chronic headaches?

When this therapy is employed in a comprehensive manner it is usually about *90% effective in eliminating migraine and chronic headaches. As well, migraines that are linked to the menstrual cycle can often be effectively eliminated. You can expect to see positive results usually within 4 – 6 treatments if protocol is followed.


* If it is determined that the symptoms source is from active trigger points then the treatment success rate can be (and often is) this high.

Can this therapy help with Fibromyalgia (FMS) symptoms?



Firstly, fibromyalgia (FMS) is very often a misdiagnosis.

Almost all those I’ve seen who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia have trigger points… many trigger points.

These TrPs can cause chronic pain (all over the body), fatigue, and often cause sleep disruptions.


In fact the vast majority of our clients who’ve been diagnosed with FMS, don’t actually have this syndrome, but have a whole bunch of trigger points, making their lives miserable. If they DO have true FMS, then Trigger Point Therapy can be an effective treatment to mitigate symptoms.


Want to know more about fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain, A SURVIVAL MANUAL by Devin Starlanyl and Mary Ellen Copeland.

Does Kinesio® or similar taping, remove trigger points?


If Trigger Point Therapy is so good, why isn't it recommended by doctors or more often employed by therapists?

For some unknown reason it is simply not included in their curriculum to any practical extent.


Here’s a quote from Dr. David Simons, regarding Trigger Point Therapy –


“Muscle is an orphan organ. No medical specialty claims it.
As a consequence, no medical specialty is concerned with promoting funded research into muscular causes of pain, and medical students and physical therapists rarely receive adequate primary training in how to recognize and treat myofascial trigger points”.


Dr. David G. Simons, M.D.Co-author:
Travell and Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual

I have a subluxation in my spine. Can Trigger Point Therapy help with that?

Bone goes where muscle pulls it.


We tend to think of trigger points as enigmatic nodules that are capable of referring pain/symptoms to another area of the body; and this is often very true.

However, they can also cause muscle shortening, and this will always affect (and pull) the involved tissue and bones.


Excessive, and constant muscle tension (caused by trigger points), and the resulting stress to involved bones, can manifest as:
* displaced ribs,
* vertebral subluxation,
* joint irritation (arthritis),
* scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis,
* tilting pelvis,
* misdiagnosed lower limb length inequality (LLLI),
* TMJ symptoms (including clicking/snapping of the TMJ)
* rounding of the shoulders
* “locked-up” SI joint
* clicking, grinding, or clunking joints


This therapy (when employed by a knowledgable therapist) may help these involved muscles to heal, and thereby return to a normal, “relaxed” state.

Will this therapy help the involved muscles return to healthy (normal) function?

Yes, often this is the case. Be sure to find a knowledgable therapist with extensive practice in TPT.

When can I expect to feel better?

Everyone is unique regarding the healing process.

Generally, you should expect to have 2 or 3 sessions before you feel a real difference. How quickly you feel an improvement will vary depending on your active role with the therapy (following protocol), the skill of the therapist, your physical and emotional state, medications that you may be taking, skeletal abnormalities, alcohol/drug or tobacco use, how active or inactive you are and how long you have had the condition that we are treating.

Do you ever travel to treat clients?

This arrangement is not typical; however, I’ve travelled and treated clients across North America and Europe. This is an expensive way to receive treatments so most distant clients usually arrange to travel to me here on the Canadian West Coast, for treatments.

What should I expect if I travel to you for treatments?

Clients have come from as far away as Europe and Asia for treatments with me here on Vancouver Island.


You make your travel arrangements only after we have an extensive conversation regarding your case.

You would arrive at least 1 day prior to your first treatment. We can assist you with lodging recommendations if needed.

Most clients (from away) plan on staying here for at least 1 week… 2 weeks may be suggested depending on your case complexity.

In some of the very complex and long-standing cases, the client has stayed for 4 – 5 weeks.

While here, you will receive a thorough treatment every day except weekends.


Of course you can contact me if you’d like to chat about your case and get more details about travelling here for treatment.


So, you only do Trigger Point Therapy?

I don’t employ other physical therapies/techniques, except for some light massage to help the client relax, and it assists in removing metabolic waste from involved tissues.


The benefits of TPT are truly impressive. However, no one can employ comprehensive TPT if they only dabble in it.


I use the term “comprehensive trigger point therapy” often, because most therapists/ bodyworkers DO NOT employ the seminal work of Travell & Simons the way it was intended to be followed.


Many therapies can offer some benefits to the client if employed correctly. However, I have chosen to exclusively study Trigger Point Therapy, because to be proficient at it requires my full attention and continual study.

I consider it a therapy unto itself (NOT adjunct to massage or other therapies), and the Travell & Simons Trigger Point Manuals require extensive and ongoing study and years of clinical practice for anyone to become proficient.


Of course, incorporating other methods (as long as they are not contraindicated) can compliment TP therapy, and I will recommend these other therapies (and the good people who employ them) to my clients if I feel they’re required to facilitate healing.

How/where do I find a knowledgable Trigger Point Therapist/Bodyworker?

Trigger Point Therapy has many approaches to applied practice, and there are countless people who claim to offer TPT to their clients/patients. Unfortunately, most are dabblers with little training, practice, or commitment to the therapy. Simply poking or injecting or dry-needling trigger points, is NOT Trigger Point Therapy.


There are very few (globally) who practice comprehensive TPT and this makes it very difficult to find one!

Call ahead to a potential therapist and ask the questions that need to be asked.


Here’s what I’d look for when searching for a knowledgable TP therapist/bodyworker.

If you don’t get the answers you like, call another Trigger Point Therapist/Bodyworker… or contact us to discuss your possible options.


A knowledgable TP therapist/bodyworker –

  • has studied, in-depth, Travell & Simons, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual for hundreds of hours and understands the perpetuating factors and protocols that are paramount towards successful treatment. And they’ll be happy to show you their copies of these fine books!
  • is often is considered nerdy – they’re almost always studying TPT and anatomy, and talking about what they do.
  • knows virtually all the muscles, including their name, attachments, function.
  • has years of experience employing Trigger Point Therapy as their PRIMARY treatment method. I.e. it’s not just an adjunct to other therapies they offer.
  • will spend at least 30 minutes (usually longer) during your first appointment to determine your medical history and lots of other pertinent, trigger point related information before you have your first treatment.
  • will advise you about what activities you should and should not be doing during your treatment schedule.
  • will advise you regarding exercise and stretching. I.e. not too much exercise to the involved muscles and do not overstretch the involved muscles.
  • will almost never advise ice as part of your treatment.
  • will rarely (if ever) tell you that your case is too complex (e.g. multiple symptoms).
  • will explain to you what muscles are likely involved and what you should be doing to encourage/facilitate the healing process.
  • will not consider you as a permanent client (even if they really like you)… the objective is to remedy your symptoms and ‘send you on your way’, making room for another client who’s suffering.
  • will, however, see you as often as you like for maintenance/tune-ups as part of your regular health and/or fitness routine.


Disturbances of autonomic functions caused by TrPs include abnormal sweating, persistent lacrimation, persistent coryza, excessive salivation, and pilomotor activities. Related proprioceptive disturbances caused by TrPs include imbalance, dizziness, tinnitus, and distorted weight perceptions of lifted objects.

Travell and Simons
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,
The Trigger Point Manual; 1999; pg. 21